To Love A Mountain
To love a mountain is to get up close and personal with it – but also it, to you. It starts innocently at first, a glance out the car window or a set of concentric lines on a map leading…

To All The Tents I’ve Loved
To my very first tent, that nameless damp canvas cavern propped up in a small clearing just north of Green Hand Bridge, within smelling distance of the wetland. You were my shelter from a merciless thunderstorm…until we abandoned you for…

The Nine Hour Tour: Montréal
As of this writing, I’ve been awake for nearly 24 inglorious hours, traveling from a music event on pastoral Prince Edward Island back home to the glistening concrete confines of Los Angeles. I’m so exhausted that I’ve actually come right…

Outside and Unclothed
The image at the top of the page is a screen capture from a post made on Outside magazine’s Instagram account this week. The woman in the photo is climber Sara Carlson, shot by photographer James White for a ”Women of Rock”…